
I can't tell you...

I can't tell you that it hurts like hell
That just a few weeks ago he said 'I love you' and I wanted to believe it so bad
That I'm not ok-that its not ok
That I can't think about it-you without a knife in my stomach
That what was I supposed to say?
That I wish that my paranoia wasn't perception
That I know that I'm powerless to stop it
So I have to stand by and watch
And hope that time makes it not hurt
That yes-off course I cried in my pillow
That it makes food taste like sawdust
That it makes sleeping that bit harder
That I wish-i wish so hard that it was ok
But how can it be ok-when its him? And when its you?
That I'm scared its already happened
That I wish it wasn't true.
That I wish I could tell you
But I can't tell you.


Anonymous said...

isn't there any way to let the 'you' know what you feel? Either way, the worst that can happen is that 'you' doesn't reciprocate.. at east then you know you tried.. just saying...

tunrayo said...

better to let it out once and for all. i think you should let the person know. beat asking yourself all the 'what ifs'

Anonymous said...

Lol ..please dont let the person know oh ! this will pass away ! Soon i hope ! even if its not soon it'll still pass ! Yes

The Activist said...

hmmm hard time, tough time. This will pass over soon....

Ahrameiz said...

i hate love!